
"Theater of the Mind"

What is 'theater of the mind"? Do you remember or have you ever heard the Big Radio Shows of the past, example's: The Green Lantern, The Shadow, The Untouchables, The Lone Ranger, and my all time favorite The Adventure of Chicken Man. These where some of the best. These shows where called "watching radio" due to the extreme descriptive narration was so good, that you actually saw in your mind what was taken place on the Radio Show.

Many of our catch phases today come from these shows from years past, like "Only the Shadow Knows", and the greatest on of all "Stay Turned". If you have not had the pleasure of listen to a Talk Show from the past I would advise it, you will be totally entertained with out the use of visuals. Here is a site that you can go to and catch some of the best: http://www.radiolovers.com/.

My question to you after you have per take in some classic radio show, do you think this is a lost art form? Is there room in today's crowed media arena for the theater of the Mind to make a come back? I would say yes my self, even the advertising that went along with the shows where more detail then to day.


Anonymous said...

Bobby, I had to make myself read one of your blog because I was too amused by the images these are really great. Not trying to date myself, but I can remember the days of radio TV especially during those tours in Germany. I really like listening to the Lone Ranger on the radio late at night while laying back in bed. It was very relaxing those I often fell asleep doing the 30-minutes that the show would air. I would not think of using the radio go sleep by these days, all the boom-boom, rack-rack, and @**@@## would drive me crazy instead of relaxing me.

Bobby said...

Thanks and the first time I listen was overseas in Japan, when they would come on the whole squadron would shut down until the end of the show.