
Identifying Product Benefits

How does the Marketing World get us to Identify the Benefits of the Product? Lets see what we can come up with; if you where selling a car that got 100 MPG (Miles Per Gallon) but was big and heavy, would you say look at my new Fuel Driven Extra Long and heavy Car just feel the solid handling of this Car? Probably not due to the customer would think of big, heavy, long, as meaning no Gas Mileage what so ever. But if you said; come test drive the newest in 100 MPG Car on the Market, and feel safe that you are in a Large size Vehicle, instead of a Mini Compact Vehicle. Which one do you think will sell better?
So when a Company is starting to look at Marketing it's product, there are certain things that is ask of this product; what benefit does this product give to a consumer. You would not want to sell a Wrecking Ball to a Glass Window maker, so you have to do your Homework.
So get to know your target group; use a Think Tank to come up with your Product Benefits, then design your Marketing Plans around those. A good Marketing Campaign will make the consumer think; this is what I need all the time, where do I get one.

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