
Global Marketing

Has Global Marketing hurt or help the U.S. Markets? You will get a assortment of answers from all types of people, I think you could debate this question for a long time. But because this is my Blog I am going to give mine. From years of being in the Marines and traveling all over this world, I have seen the Economy and Markets from many countries. From the early 1980's to the Middle 2000's, and a lot has changed in this world from what I have seen.

In the past America held a Dominance over the rest of the world with our Production, Marketing and Transportion advantages, and we grew big a little big headed if you ask me. We thought that we where untouchable, and that it would take a very long time for the rest of the world to catch up so we sat on our laurels and did no improvements.

We even got so big headed that we look at ways of opening more Markets to which would thought we would have an Advantage, Like NAFTA.

But did this really turn out the way that the Political Groups thought it would? Yes if you where Big Business, no if your where the Middle Class Worker. NAFTA in my mind has only done 2 things and that is; put more money into Big Corporations by open up cheap production in Mexico (have you notice all the Companies that have moved there Production Operations to Mexico), and secondly resulted in massive lay-offs for the working class.

You would think that with this cheaper production that the items being made would be less to buy, but no the prices are still the same. So where did the Economic savings go? It went to the Fat Cats of Big Business. So are Trade Agreements good? Yes if you are on the other foot from the United States. So I get back to Global Markets are they good? They are if you are the less fortunate on the economic side of the house, this way you can provide the cheap production that Big Business wishes and bad if you are on top of the hill looking down. And right now the U.S. Economy is feeling the effects of to many years of looking down and to many Corporation feeding off of greed and have lost the protect and provide for your own. Don't get me wrong there are some Companies that are still in the fight with the U.S. Workers and are working hard to take back what was lost. And if one thing I know about the United States is that we fight when we are in a Corner, and we are standing face in that corner. But it will be a long fight and a hard fight to gain back our status of being the best at Production, Marking, Inventing, Transportation, and will take all of us to make this change. And that starts by every American take a role in the Political Arena that is the World Market, fore if we don't pressure are Government Leaders to do what "We The people of the United States of America" want then who will? Big Business will and we know what Gods they worship (Greed). so get out there and make you Voice heard on your Future and your Kids.

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