

Have you ever thought about open a franchise? Did you know that sells from franchise's is about 40% of the retail and trade yearly; so that means franchising is a big business, and most Franchisers know how to how to sell and protect their franchise. Not only do you have to do your homework when selecting a franchise to start in, but the franchiser also does it homework on you. Remember they have their name or product on line; so there is always rules and commitments that must be met before they let you in.

Have you ever heard of "McDonald U"; this is a School that will teach you how to operate/manage a McDonald Restaurant, and you staff. Also did you know you could go to the following link to find how to attain a Franches:


But you need to make sure that you have $300,000 to hand over for your franchise; plus 4% of your monthly sales (Service Fee).

How does Soda Companies Franchise? Did you ever go into a Fast Food place and ask for a brand that you like and the wait staff says sorry we don't sell that brand? Well that is the soda companies franchising their product; they give low deals and provide operating equipment, under an agreement with the establishment for sole rights of their goods. So remember that when you want a Dr Pepper and they say we have Mr Pibb!

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